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Writer's picturemuseme222

Sinead O'Connor Tribute

Updated: Jun 4

I mean, she literally shaved her head because her recording company wanted her to look a different way - act a certain way. They wanted to portray her as something she definitely was not.

She once believed in herself that much at one time. Do you know how much courage it takes to shave your fucking head. I did it once and I may or may not have puked afterwards.

You have to believe in the yourself so fn much. Granted its just hair and it grows back. But overcoming the power of other people's words and actions.. I can promise you, it's no easy feat.

I had never known this but she was abused by her mother and suffered some serious ptsd from it. She continued to battle her depression and mental health issues her whole life. Her 17 yr old son just took his own life last year from mental health issues also.

As I sing the words out loud, "Nothing compares.. Nothing compares to you. I went to the doctor and guess what he told me, guess what he told me", I'm thinking - imagine if these people were able to grow into healthy emotionally intelligent adults and ACTUALLY fulfill their destiny or at least go after it?

She was only 56 years old. 14 years older than me. Imagine what she could have given the world if she had been mentally and emotionally able to. Just look what kind of commotion she created in such a short time in the US?

All the great ones have suffered from some sort of mental health issue really. Ultimately, they take their own lives because of it. Amy Winehouse, Juice World, Whitney Houston. Soo many to make note of all but you get my drift.

There are also still quite a few that have beaten all stereotypical odds thus far. Pink being the big one that comes to mind. Maybe she was trying to be the change that she wanted to see.

idk but we can all probably agree that, like me (like us) nobody showed them how to deal with it or heal from it either.

It's the ones that keep it in and hid away that you have to worry about. Its the one that have never talked about it before with anyone. They are the ones that just do it and then everybody is shocked and can't understand why. Nobody really knows anything, until one day, they know everything.

I would say go check in on your people, but they wouldn't tell you there was anything wrong anyway.

Yeah, I still know all the words to that song.

Rest in Peace Sinead O'Connor. Thank you for being brave enough to share your light and inspiring the world.

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