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Writer's picturemuseme222

Catfish Kevin

Updated: Jun 4

Ahhhhh, the joys of being single. So here's a little story/rant for you.

I had this guy add me on snapchat back in September of 2022. I accepted it. I'm not concerned with people seeing my stuff because I have a private story for my close friends and family. Same way with Facebook.

Anyway, this guy pursues me pretty consistently for about 6 months before I even give him the time of day.

One day he comments on my story and I just kind of let him have it. Like, wtf are you anyway. For all I know, you're a troll or a Russian spy.. I mean you don't even have a custom emoji for your avatar. You're just sitting there with an emoji silhouette. It's giving creeper vibes.

I mean, seriously, there's really no way to know who this guy was.. Was he even a guy.. Idk at this point.. So, I was like snap me right now or I'm deleting you.

He snapped me. He was medium cute but at that point I had no potential suitors and he had been trying to talk to me for months. So I began to entertain the conversations. A couple more weeks go by and we are still chatting.

I ended up coming down with Covid19. First time I ever met him in person, I was sick, miserable and starving lol He brought me food and grilled it for me. I thought that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.

I started to think, okay, maybe I will go out with him.. I began wanting to know more about him. During our 6-7. month conversations, I learned he lived in the area. He didn't have facebook and he gave me a name. As I continued to ask more questions, his answers became more allusive. He said he was going through a divorce. I searched his name in the family court record base.. No one was divorcing with that name. I googled the name. Nothing really was coming up. I searched the phone number he gave me. Nothing came up with that either.

I was like, hmmm. Interesting. I knew something was up. He was taking him longer and longer to respond to my messages and they were very short answers.

Coming up empty on my resources and searches. I ended up asking him about where he lived. He told me once but never gave me a town, he just said, "just north of __". I was like "okay.. You said you farmed. How many acres? And where about exactly?" He replied with, "on County Road ___."

Finally maybe I had something to go on.

I mean, sure, I could have just come right out and said, I'm trying to find out who you are and everything you've given me is pulling anything up.

LMAO what kind of fun would it be?! And besides, at that point, I knew something was fishy.. (pun intended, you'll find out why)

I was like alright.. Now I can go on the GIS site and search the properties on that road for the owner's name and address.

I searched the GIS system three times, up and down that road, trying to find the name that he gave me. No one by that name lived on that road.

Fuck. well shit. Damn lol I hadn't found anything in the few days I had dedicated to this.

And then... a few days later, I was scrolling facebook and something caught my eye. A friend of mine was tagged in a fishing post. I knew that my fb friend was into fishing and was on a local team. Passing time, I clicked on the post and started to scroll through the results of that fishing tournament.

Sure as fucking shit, there was the guy I had been talking to. Holding up a fish that placed him in the top ten. I immediately scrolled back to the post and and read the names of the top ten winners.

I look for the name he gave me.. It's not listed but the real person's name was listed. His name was Kevin.. Ahhh, ok. This mfer. I'm not really angry at this point. Idc what the fuck he does.

But then I search his real name. I found out he's married, runs the fishing team and is in charge of the facebook fishing team's page. Apparently, he started the team..

I message him and send him the pic I saved from Facebook. I say, "So it's Kevin huh?"

When he reads the message, he immediately goes onto FB and blocks me from the fishing page.

I was like, really.. You really just blocked me, was that necessary?

And then it dawned on me.. Maybe he's had problems with lying to women in the past and it's just easier to block them before they cause a scene or something.

Idrc what his reasoning was, tbh, he continued to lie to me about not being on facebook. That's when I started to get angry.. This dumb mfer must think I'm as dumb as he is?!

Nope. hell naw. That was the straw that did it.. You're not gonna sit here and fucking lie to me after I have just blew your shit wide open. I was like blocked and delete bitch. lmao

During my investigations of the real Kevin. I learned he was married. Divorce had been filed but it was still on going after 2 years or something. He lied about that too. He lied about everything really. I also found his wife on Facebook. They were connected in any way on FB that I say, but I got her name from the divorce filing information.

At this point, I had been debating on whether or not to message her about it all and at least inform her of what had happened. Regardless, if they were separate or not.

I was gonna hold on to this for a minute until I had figured out what I wanted to do about it.

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